Eric Young

Welcome to BrokerVestor

Everything you need to close all the real estate listings and deals you can handle.

About Us

Both Eric Young and Thomas Harpole have consistently made a net profit of over $350K/year for the last four years straight.  We've done this by consistently executing on a solid business plan that we've developed.  We are willing to let you rip off, duplicate, and use our business model in your local market so you can enjoy the same real estate success.  

If you are a real estate agent, investor, or wholesaler this group will show you how to consistently bring in low cost motivated seller leads and convert those leads into deals.   It doesn't matter weather you've been in real estate for years, or just getting started.  This group has what you need to consistently make multiple six figure net profits every year.

Why You Should Join Us

We'll help you implement the following eight steps, which will leave you with a profitable real estate business.

  1.  We'll make a website for you that converts.
  2.  We'll show you how to generate online motivated seller traffic.
  3.  How to find the right real estate agent partners.
  4.  Find a contractor partner & train them.
  5.  Turn on ads to start bringing in leads.
  6.  Learn to analyze deals and manage leads.
  7.  Learn to manage renovations.
  8.  Increase ad spend and bring on more realtor partners.

Let's do this.  We've got your back.